Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Everything You Should Know About Endovascular Surgery

In the past, vessels problem was treated by open surgery, involving an incision in the side of the body part and a long recovery period. Patients usually stay in the hospital for a long time. But, now the technology gets developed so, there are alternative ways to treat a patient. When it comes to treating a problem affecting the blood vessel, people prefer endovascular surgery because it is less invasive and innovative procedure. The treatment involves making a small incision near the affected body part to access the blood vessel. 

In NJ, Endovascular surgery experts are available in numbers, but you need to choose one who has good practice in this field. An alternative to open surgery, it provides many benefits including a shorter recovery period, local or regional anesthesia instead of general anesthesia, less discomfort, smaller incisions, less stress on the heart, and fewer risks for patients with other medical conditions. This process may benefit patients who need surgery but are at a high risk of complications because of other conditions. 

To treat vessel problems, experts use an endovascular graft that is a special fabric tube device framed with stainless steel self-expanding stents, is inserted through the arteries in a catheter, narrow flexible tube, and positioned inside the aorta. Once in place, the graft expands and seal off the aneurysm, preventing blood from flowing into the aneurysm. Before surgery, you will meet with experts who will take your medical history and conduct a thorough physical exam. You also may have a test to determine the health of your heart like ECG, stress test, etc.

With this experts determine whether your aneurysm can be treated with Endovascular Surgery or not. But, you need to make sure the specialist has good knowledge and experience. For this, talk with their former patient and ask about their services. You can also check patient experience on their website. 

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